Which Language to Choose?

While Kotlin is the official language for Android, there are many other languages that can be used for Android App Development. Details about these are below to help you make an informed decision. 

  1. Java
    Firstly Java was the official language for Android App Development (but now it was replaced by Kotlin) and consequently, it is the most used language as well. Many of the apps in the Play Store are built with Java, and it is also the most supported language by Google. In addition to all this, Java has a great online community for support in case of any problems (And trust me, there will be problems!).

However, Java is a complicated language for a beginner to use as it contains complex topics like constructors, null pointer exceptions, concurrency, checked exceptions, etc. Also, The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) increases the complexity to a new level!

All in all, Java is a great language to experience the full joys of Android App Development. However, it may be a little complex for beginners who would prefer to start with something easier and then return to it.

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