Microsoft sharepoint Customization Services company in Jakarta

Drive your business with fine-tailored SharePoint solutions
UltronIT has been providing SharePoint consulting services for more than 13 years to let our customers benefit from SharePoint that facilitate collaboration, increase employee engagement and automate business processes.
We see SharePoint as a powerful platform to meet the requirements of enterprises regardless of their scale and industry. A 45,000-employee banka global car manufacturer with 200,000 employees and the world’s leader in aluminum solutions already use SharePoint solutions by UltronIT as their day-to-day tools.


  • ​Microsoft Gold Collaboration and Content Competency
  • Projects in Microsoft SharePoint since 2007
  • 20+ MS SharePoint experts
  • 30+ completed projects


Choosing SharePoint as your corporate platform, you will get a whole set of tools that hit several goals at the same time: to manage workflows, stimulate human collaboration, increase the quality of working process and raise employees’ productivity.

Real-time collaboration

No man is an island. For us, it’s not just a saying, it’s a business rule proving that only well-coordinated and task-oriented teams united with strong collaboration can succeed in the challenging business environment.
Whether you want to intensify cross-departmental communication or consolidate distributed offices, we will help you to make SharePoint a collaboration engine that drives your teams, encourages employees’ independent input, enhances their confidence and engagement, which ensures their better performance and thus contributes to your company’s bottom line.

Process-focused integration

Integration of SharePoint with your enterprise solutions is what allows to support effective enterprise collaboration that ensures the continuity of business processes and guarantees their accomplishment. Our dedicated consultants will help you to build up a productive collaboration environment functioning in line with your enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, EHR, ECM and others.
Integrated with enterprise systems, SharePoint becomes an all-purpose tool that serves as:
  • A unified communication platform for employees to stay in touch permanently
  • A secure storage to keep all the documents safe
  • A centralized source of information to ensure a uniform vision of business processes

Clockwork workflows

SharePoint is a tool that easily turns business processes into effective workflows. Our SharePoint consultants can assist you at any stage of workflow automation by developing a workflow from scratch or assessing the existing workflow logic in order to adjust it to new business needs and to bring your business strategy to life step by step.
We handle diverse types of workflows using both out-of-the-box and custom SharePoint capabilities:
  • State machine/sequential workflows
  • Site/list workflows
  • Reusable/non-reusable workflows
  • Custom event receivers (synchronous/asynchronous)
Knowledge management

Consolidated knowledge

From a newly-born idea to a well-grounded concept, from a transient thought to a real project, SharePoint is able to transform raw knowledge into a company’s most valuable asset. SharePoint implementation will let you switch from a plain record keeping to real knowledge management in order to create, leverage and expand knowledge assets, as well as to facilitate decision-making and refine teams’ competences.

Sustained innovations

Adjusting SharePoint as your innovation management tool, we will show you how the platform manages such specific processes as research, idea generation, screening and nurturing. SharePoint will provide your innovation team with familiar and user-friendly tools in order to manage the entire innovation cycle, increase the visibility of ideas and align innovations with your business strategy.


Our team of SharePoint professionals invite you to exploit SharePoint features with the maximum benefit for your enterprise. We will help you get the best of SharePoint solutions by the full cycle of SharePoint consulting, customization and support services for projects of various complexity:
  • Business analysis
  • Consulting and configuration
  • Project management
  • Customization
  • Migration
  • Integration with enterprise systems
  • Quality Assurance
  • Maintenance and support


We understand that SharePoint deployment aims to facilitate end users’ activities and not just to please IT professionals. Therefore, nothing speaks better about the platform’s quality than the number of satisfied users. Working on our projects, we base effective SharePoint solutions on the following major pillars that guarantee longevity and users’ high buy-in.

Ultimate user experience

Improving user experience is key to better SharePoint adoption. We are to win users’ engagement, identify their core needs and offer a consistent plan of your SharePoint evolution by means of:
  • Industry-oriented consulting. With more than 30 accomplished projects in Healthcare, Retail, Telecommmunications, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Oil & Gas, Manufacturing and other industries, we know how to make SharePoint meet your business requirements.
  • SharePoint customization. We will help you tailor your SharePoint solution by improving its UI and UX, creating engaging sites that support your corporate identity and enriching the existing functionality with handy SharePoint add-ins.
  • 24/7 maintenance and support. At any stage of its lifecycle, your SharePoint solution can face technical problems or just grow outdated. We will help you restore SharePoint’s sleek functionality, as well as offer the optimal way for the platform’s upgrade for you to keep up with the latest trends.

Shellproof security

When you entrust your data or knowledge to SharePoint, you should be absolutely sure that it will keep them safe and sound. We will help to protect your confidential information from both external and internal threats, relying on our deep understanding of the platform’s architecture, Business Connectivity Services and Microsoft’s best practices.
Performance management

Sound performance

Whether you face slow response, storage bottlenecks or unfriendly web apps, we know how to find the way out. To ensure effective troubleshooting, our SharePoint consultants apply a proprietary SharePoint Health Check methodology that allows them to get a wrap-around picture of the SharePoint functionality and pinpoint possible problems.
We understand that improving SharePoint performance is not only about making the system consume less computing resources. It is also about raising SharePoint adoption and users’ satisfaction.


With in-depth comprehension of the platform, our dedicated team is always ready to bring your SharePoint solution to life. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation on your SharePoint project to get a fresh impetus for your business with one of the most powerful platforms on the market.
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