Create workers and attach permissions

Store workers are created on the Workers page. When you create a new worker, make sure that you assign them with the following values:

  • Employment start date – The start date that is required for the system.
  • Language (on the Commerce tab) – The preferred language for the user.
  • Address book – The employee address book. The stores that are assigned the address book values for the employee will be the stores where the employee is permitted to sign in to the registers.
  • Screen layout ID – The worker-specific Store Commerce layout. This layout is used instead of any store or register layout that is assigned.
  • Name on receipt – The name of the worker as it appears on the receipt.

When creating a worker for the first time, you can set a default password for the worker and select a setting that requires the worker to change the password the first time they sign in to the Store Commerce.

On the Worker tab in the Action Pane, in the Assignment group, you can add a Worker position assignment to the worker. The primary reason for this action is to assign the worker with a position that has a job with associated Store Commerce permissions.

Store Commerce permissions

Store Commerce position permission groups are used to group a series of security configurations for a group of Store Commerce users.

Two ways to configure the Store Commerce permissions for a worker are:

  • Assign jobs or positions to a worker
  • Override on the worker

Assign jobs or positions to a worker

Creating positions for a job and assigning them to the user is the primary way that Store Commerce permissions should be assigned to a worker. A POS permission group is assigned to a Job, which is then assigned to a Position.

The worker is assigned a Position, which assigns the user with the Store Commerce permissions. Then, if that user needs elevated privileges for a specific period of time, the permissions can be overridden on the Store Commerce. The original permissions are intact on the position(s) assigned to the worker.

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